Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Embedding Adsense Ads Within Blogger Post Body

Many AdSense publishers believe that embed AdSense ad inline or within post body will significantly increase CTR (Click Through Rate) - so the revenue. I agree with them, based on my own experience. Logically, ad within post body tend to have higher attention from visitors and decreasing what so called ad-blindness. You can see my medium-rectangle AdSense ad unit standing on right side of this text, blended with entire post.

If you have Blogger blog and want to put your AdSense ad on your post body just like mine, steps you should do is bloody easy to learn. First, generate AdSense code. I suggest you generate suitable ad unit like large-rectangle (336x280) or medium-rectangle (300x250) - depend on your main column width:

src="" type="text/javascript">

Next, parse your AdSense code. You cannot embed those code directly into your blog template without parsing it before by replacing some elements on those code. Don't worry, it won't infringe Google AdSense TOS because parsing is NOT an attempt to change the code. It only change the way computer interpret your code - not altering it. Basically parsed code is exactly same as original - before it parsed.

Replace three elements on those code as mention below:

Embedding Adsense Ads Within Blogger Post BodyYou don't have to replace it manually, one by one. Don't bother yourself! Use simple text editor like Notepad. Open Notepad, then click on Edit menu --> Replace. Replace window will come up. Fill in character you want to replace on Find What: input, and new character on Replace With: input, then click on Replace All button:

parsing AdSense ad
Those parsed code then should embed on your blog template. Open your Blogger HTML template editor, then click on "Expand widget template". Find this code on your Blogger HTML template:

If you want your Adsense ad appear on inline-above side of you post (like mine), put your AdSense code right above data:post.body code:

Embedding Adsense Ads Within Blogger Post Body
Don't forget to wrap your AdSense code between
to ensure your AdSense code blending perfectly with Blogger template. If you want your ad take a position on left side, just replace wrapper code div style='float: right;' with div style='float: left;'.

Additionally, if you want your AdSense ad appear below your post, put it right below

code. Try it, and always be careful of coding work. Because each single character is meaningful. If success, then buy me a beer :-)

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